Thursday, February 26, 2015

Just one more...

The patience of God is hard to fathom. Our culture plumbs new depths daily on creative ways to demonstrate either lack of fear, or disbelief, in God. With each new season entertainment becomes more bold in depravity, as if standing in a rainstorm and shouting "may I be struck by lightning if God is even there!". They present the quiet response as proof, while heaven looks on and God remains silent.

Believers abroad are escorted to cruel deaths, while singing their Lord's songs, and calling on their Lord's name, only to have it silenced with the cut of a knife. Loved ones mourn and suffer while the brutal and ugly dance and sing in the street, while heaven looks on and God remains silent.

Governments and Corporations grow into brutal hungry things, draining the poor, the struggling, and loyal. Making them resources to be farmed. Heaven looks on. God remains silent.

How long must we wait? How long until the armies of Heaven rise up and invade? How long until the garden is restored and the crooked is made straight again?

When that day comes, beloved, the door will be shut. The road will be closed. When that day comes there will be no new believers; forever. There will be no new dear ones, who will grow and bloom eons from now. When this world is over, it will be over; and the new world will begin. Please endure. Please hold out, for just one more.